December is officially my favorite month of the year. It's a time for Christmas parties with my friends and learning to play Beatles Rock Band.

It's also a time for getting awesome presents from my Georgia family! This week we got a big box from my new favorite person, the UPS man (I call him the "PMS man"). He brought my presents from
Marmee, Poppy, and my cousins. The box made Mom very happy when she found the homemade fudge, Mrs. Hastings cookies, and banana bread... then it made her cry when she found the sweet box from Poppy.

I loved my Barbie vet, kitty cat in a crate, and puppy in a carrier (his name is Buster and he sleeps with me now). But, the best gift in the whole huge box was at the bottom of my stocking: princess lipstick. It's my new obsession.

Mom tried her best to get pictures of me with my new toys, or a short video of me saying "thank you". The only shots she could catch were me with my new lipstick. I will literally stand in one place for several minutes applying the beautiful gloss over and over and over. Even Dad is having a great time with the new toys.

To my Georgia family: THANK YOU for the goodies! We loved them!
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