When we wished for a white Christmas, we didn't know we were going to get a blizzard! The storm is known as a "Nor'easter", or what I like to call "

Playing in the snow was fun once I got into all of the snow gear from Nana. Nana told Mom that she bought me a "
pocker", which was very confusing to Mom's Southern hearing. She told Nana she was grateful for the
pocker, even though she had no idea what it was. Later we realized it means "parka" in Boston-speak. Mom is still giggling about that one!

Playing in the snow can be exhausting work, so
Kalyn and I took plenty of time to rest while being invisible to the grown-ups inside her princess net.

Being snowed in can pose a challenge to finding activities that entertain a busy girl like me. We were able to practice our Rock Band skills (Mom says I am gifted on the drums),

build a gingerbread house while practicing
scowly faces with Dad,

watch Toy Story 3 a dozen times (while Dad tried to book new flights to get us home),

and go sledding!
Kalyn was a professional, teaching me how to carve out a good trail to maximize speed on the ride.

Then Aunt Julie blew us both away with her championship legs-up technique!

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