My Aunt Julie and Cousin
Kalyn came back to see us for their annual Spring Break trip. Fun In The Sun 2012!
It was Ryan's first Spring Break with these crazy girls, so he didn't know all of the inside jokes and traditions.
He just knew it was awesome.

Our day at the beach was very relaxing. Since I have been obsessed with Ariel (The Little Mermaid) lately, we stayed with the theme of mermaids. Mom even helped us make a sand mermaid with shells and seaweed.
In hindsight it really looks more like a sarcophagus.
Kalyn was the best big cousin, ever. She was so fun to be around, and a natural entertainer with me and Ryan. She read books to me at bedtime, taught me to play Hangman, and always gave Ryan new toys in the car when he started fussing.

And thanks to her great ideas at the beach (hello, brilliant bucket of water), I even had fun with Little Man!

Mom loved our day at the beach because she got to laugh at Dad and Julie focused on their phones,

and had some good snuggle time with Little Man.
I didn't mind sharing Mom with Ryan this week, Aunt Julie and
Kalyn were way more interesting.
Kalyn; I wanted to do everything just like she did. If she ordered Coke at a restaurant, I ordered one, too (hated it, but everybody liked watching my hilarious sour face as I drank it to prove that I was a big girl like her). She braided my hair, and let me tie her hair in knots (I'm still just learning to twist the rubber bands correctly). Mom and Dad loved seeing me so happy... and so tired!