As we look forward to my 4
th birthday, Mom wanted to write down some things she and Dad love about me lately:
- My excitement and facial expression when I have an epiphany: "I have an idea! We can take our candy and go to the beach today!", with both hands raised out at my side.
- Honesty: "Mom, you look a little bit yucky today"; "I don't love you and Dad when you throw away my candy"; "You're the best Mom ever, but sometimes I am cranky at you".
- Frequently using "Actually..." in a sentence: "Actually... you should turn on the wiper wavers when it's raining."
- Music preferences: "I don't want the Mom songs. Is your iPod charged?"
- Singing. Constantly. Even in bed at night, I sing myself to sleep.

I am developing an acute sense of right and wrong, and consequences:
- "Isn't it ridiculous when someone wears a dress with their big girl pants showing?"
- "We don't say booty butt, because that's a bad word. If you say booty butt, you get in trouble. I don't say booty butt because it's bad. Tate says booty butt, but I don't."
- Fear of Discipline by Tate. Tate was a terror from school who scared me in the 2 year old room. He was taken to Montessori school last year, but remains in my mind as the ultimate Bad. If kids do really bad things, Dad says they skip jail and go straight to live with Tate. I try to be very good.

There are a few things that make Mom giggle:
- I named my favorite stuffed puppy "Bustard".
- Our game when Mom says "Who loves you more than the moon loves the stars?", and I reply with "Who loves you more than Ryan loves to rip up magazines?" or "Who loves you more than Moxie loves to eat his own poop?"
- I can count to 100: "37, 38, 39... 100" (means Mom is going to be really old soon!).
- One time an ant bit my wrist and when I showed it to Mom during my bath, I said "F#@ing Ant". Mom scolded me and got really mad because that's an awful word. Then she hid her face and laughed so hard she cried.

We are starting to see an end to my Terrible Threes phase. My moods are swinging to sweet more often, and I have embraced the family rule that we should always be nice to each other. I am also more sensitive to getting in trouble. Recently I asked Mom the heartbreaking question: "Do you and Dad not love me when I am bad?". Actually... they always love me, no matter what. And Mom said I never, ever, have to go live with Tate.
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