We love this crazy playful boy! Mom calls this age the Chimpanzee Phase, because he likes to sit perched on her hip, holding on like a little monkey. When he's not clinging to Mom, he likes to stand up or cruise along furniture, and has mastered crawling up stairs (going down is not so pretty).

He babbles constantly, and we think he is starting to consistently say "
da da da da" at Dad, and "ma ma ma ma" when he's crying. He calls the dogs "
guh guh guh", probably because he hears us say "Go!" to them when they crowd around his highchair at meal time. We can't tell what name he has for me yet, because he mostly laughs or squeals with happiness when I'm around.

The cutest new development is his standing twist while holding on to something with one hand. This maneuver helps him rapidly unload all of the book shelves and kitchen cabinets. He even picks up the remote in the den and turns to point it at the TV (maybe we watch too much TV?). He is constant entertainment!
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