Mom and Dad decided to take off work for Good Friday and Easter Monday to make this a long weekend family s
taycation. It was the perfect chance to spend the day at Busch Gardens and get my face painted!

We had a great day, especially at our close encounter with the tigers. Yikes. This white tiger came right up to me at the window and I didn't even flinch. Tigers, I can handle. It's the Daddy gorillas that freak me out.

Ryan missed all the tiger fun because he was exhausted from Sesame Street Safari.

One of the coolest things about this day was how I was brave enough to go on the big kid rides all by myself! Mom and I even rode the kid's roller coaster. I held up my arms and screamed the whole time. It was awesome!

This is our fourth spring down here, and we've learned that April is the sweet spot before May brings in the sweltering summer. So, we spent one day at the beach, but Mom didn't bring the camera to capture my sand castle/"shell cake", or Ryan's sweet nap on Dad's chest.

We did capture Ryan's first trip to the fountains.

He liked splashing around, but was more interested in practicing his walking skills.

It was the best weekend!
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