These are the first pictures of my baby brother, at 32 weeks old. Mom and Dad think that he has my nose, mouth, and cheeks... which means he will be adorable! None of the pictures from the 3D ultrasound session were very clear (because he was snuggled in a tough spot to view), but we were thrilled to get an early glimpse of him anyway. They told us that he looks very healthy, and is measuring about 2 weeks bigger than expected. Mom said it would be fine if he wants to come out a little early... she is feeling about 2 weeks bigger than expected, too!

Mom is enjoying the baby yoga and somersaults he has been doing. She said he is much more active than I was in her belly, and even woke her up in the middle of the night with his hiccups this week. We can tell that we are in the final weeks, because Mom's hands and feet are swelling, she has started the third trimester waddle, and people have been telling her how "pregnant" her face looks. Mom usually takes a deep breath when people say nice things like that, then smiles and remembers that she has no complaints, because my baby brother has been very kind to her. We can't wait to meet him!
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